Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Peter W. Sproat, 8 August 1822

To Peter W. Sproat

Monticello Aug. 8. 22.

Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Sproat for the copy of his allegorical Novel which he has been so kind as to send him. from the subject allegorised he has long withdrawn all attention. having entire confidence in the functionaries at the helm of affairs, he rests in security under their care. still the right of criticising their measures is important, and when exercised with candor and judgment is salutary to the public. he prays mr Sproat to accept his respectful salutations.

PoC (IMunS); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ.

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  • Sproat, Peter W.; The Savage Beauty, A Satirical Allegorical Novel search
  • The Savage Beauty, A Satirical Allegorical Novel (P. W. Sproat) search