Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard Peyton for Tobacco Sales, 2 August 1822


Account with Bernard Peyton for Tobacco Sales

Sales 5 Hogsheads leaf Tobacco by Bernard Peyton

               for ℀ Mr Thos Jefferson

1822 Richd

2d August—To sundry persons for Cash 5 Hhds: Viz:

 1 No 1=1900= 130= 1770
3=1782= 132= 1650
3420 ℔s:  to Gray & Pankey at $7.20 = $246.24
5=1847= 130= 1717  to   do. at 5.75 98.73
Refused 2 6=1476= == 1356  to Mr Brander 4.45 60.34
Refused 7=1723= == 1590 3  to R. Anderson & Co 3.55 56.45
$461.76 4
To Cash pd freight 8083 ℔s: nett at 25¢ $20.20 }
Do for notes at 50¢     2.50 = $22.70
Canal toll do. at 2/6 $2.08 Drayage at 9d $0.63 2.71
Commission at 2½ pr cent 11.54 $36.95
Nett prcds: at Cr T Jefferson $424.81
Bernard Peyton
By  N. N. Wilkinson

MS (MHi); in N. N. Wilkinson’s hand, except as indicated below; with TJ’s notations on prices per pound near foot of text:

“lowest 3.55
 highest 7.20
 average sale  5.63
 average nett 5.25”

and TJ’s calculation of the average net price on verso:

“8083| 424.81 (5.25
docketed by Peyton: “Th: Jefferson ℀ Sales Tobacco.”

e.e.: “Errors Excepted.”

1The lower of the two abbreviations in this graphic stands for TJ’s Tomahawk plantation at Poplar Forest.

2Reworked by Peyton from ditto marks, here and below.

3Beneath this column TJ drew a rule, with the sum of 8,083 underneath it.

4To the left of this sum TJ divided 5 into 28.15 to get 5.63.

Index Entries

  • Brander, Mr. search
  • Gray & Pankey (Richmond firm); buys TJ’s tobacco search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Richard Anderson & Company (Richmond firm) search
  • Richmond, Va.; TJ’s tobacco sold at search
  • Richmond, Va.; tobacco prices at search
  • tobacco; price of search
  • tobacco; sale of search
  • Tomahawk plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Wilkinson, N. N.; as clerk for B. Peyton search