Thomas Jefferson Papers

Louis Petit to Thomas Jefferson, 16 July 1822

From Louis Petit

Juillet 16–1822

Trés Honorable Seigneur

J’ai l’honneur d’exposer bien humblement, à Sa Graçe, que mon Pére étoit Negociant de Lyon en France, et qui ayant été Compris par le gouvernement dans des affaires politiques, a été non Seulement obligé de quitter le pays Natal, mais d’abandonner tous ses biens, meubles, et immeubles, qui depuis plusieurs ans de travau, et industrie avoit accumulé pour le Soutient d’une nombreuse famille, lui ayant été le tout Confisqué, et d’une réspectable Situation, a été réduit a la plus grande détrésse. Le Cœur Doux, et Bienfait de Sa Graçe, se laissera attendrir sur le funeste Sort de Cette infortuneé famille, touché d’un Événement si facheux, Sa Graçe, ne se refusera pas de lui accorder les devoirs de toute Âme Sensible. En cet espoir je prie, Sa Graçe, à agreér d’avance ma plus vive reconnaissance, et Croire, que je ne Cesserai d’adresser mes plus fervides Vœux à l’Éternel pour la Conservation de ses preçieux jours; ainsi que de Ceux de toute sa trés respectables dinastie, et je suis avec le plus profond réspect—le trés humble, et trés Obeissant Serviteur

Louis Petit

Editors’ Translation

July 16–1822

Very Honorable Sir

I have the honor to explain very humbly to His Grace that my father, a merchant in Lyon, France, having been thought by the government to be involved in political affairs, was forced not only to leave his native country, but also to abandon all the personal possessions and real estate he had accumulated through work and industry over the course of a number of years for the support of his numerous family. Everything having been confiscated, he has been reduced from a position of respectability to the greatest distress. His Grace will allow his tender and generous heart to be moved by the disastrous fate of the unfortunate family affected by this regrettable event. His Grace will not refuse to grant that which is owed by every sensitive soul. With this hope, I beg His Grace to accept in advance my deepest gratitude and to believe that I will never cease to send the eternal being my most fervent wishes for the preservation of his precious days, as well as those of his very respectable lineage. I am with the most profound respect—the very humble and very obedient servant

Louis Petit

RC (ViW: TC-JP); dateline at foot of text; at head of text: “À Sa Graçe Thomas Jefferson expresident des États-Unis”; endorsed by TJ. Translated by Dr. Genevieve Moene.

Index Entries

  • French language; letters in, from; L. Petit search
  • Petit, Louis; family of search
  • Petit, Louis; letter from search
  • Petit, Louis; seeks TJ’s assistance search