Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Estimate of Material Needed for Shadwell Milldam, [ca. 5 July 1822]

Estimate of Material Needed for Shadwell Milldam

[ca. 5 July 1822]

Estimate. for milldam
stretchers. 10. of 40 f. each reach across the river
8. tier of them (4. on each side) 80. trees
tiers 50. to each course × 4 courses 200. tiers1
each of the 80 stretchers will give 1.  80
120. more 10 f long, 5. to a tree 120 . 24. trees
200 . 104. trees
the  stone pens 10.f.  wide, 4 f. deep
inter dam  2.f
12.f.  or 4 yds wide.
each yard running measure = 5  yards
133 .  yards
710 cubic yds stone

MS (CSmH: JF); on portion of reused address cover to TJ; entirely in TJ’s hand; with TJ’s Estimate of Tin Needed to Roof Monticello, 5 July 1822, on verso; undated.

1Manuscript: “tyers.”

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  • dams; on Rivanna River search
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