Thomas Jefferson to Thomas L. McKenney, 2 July 1822
To Thomas L. McKenney
Monticello July 2. 22.
Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to mr McKenny for the kind expressions of his note of June 26. and for his attention in sending him a copy of his Prospectus. but age, debility and an aversion to politics have for some time withdrawn him from every thing of that character. he reads but one newspaper, and that of his own state, and for the sake of the advertisements chiefly: giving a preference to whatever will tranquilise, rather than disturb the quiet in which he wishes to pass his remaining days. he salutes mr McKenny with respect.
PoC (CSmH: JF-BA); on verso of a reused address cover from Caesar A. Rodney to TJ; endorsed by TJ.
Although TJ also subscribed at this time to the Charlottesville Central Gazette, the Richmond Enquirer was the one newspaper alluded to here.
Index Entries
- aging; TJ on his own search
- Central Gazette (Charlottesville newspaper) search
- Charlottesville, Va.; Central Gazette search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; reading habits of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; aging search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; debility search
- McKenney, Thomas Loraine; andWashington Republican and Congressional Examiner search
- McKenney, Thomas Loraine; letter to search
- newspapers; advertisements in search
- newspapers; CharlottesvilleCentral Gazette search
- newspapers; subscriptions to, by TJ search
- newspapers; Washington Republican and Congressional Examiner search
- Richmond Enquirer (newspaper); TJ subscribes to search
- Washington Republican and Congressional Examiner (newspaper) search