Thomas Jefferson Papers

Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 24 June 1822

From Bernard Peyton

Richd 24 June ”22

Dear sir

Agreeable to the directions contained in your last, now before me, have this day fordd to Lynchburg, care Archibald Robertson, six Blls: Herrings, & will by the first Milton Boat, send you 4 Blls: Herrings & two of Shad, & the Nail rods written for, if to be had.

I have already fordd the 3 Boxes tin to Raphael at Charlottesville, you wrote for in a former letter; the package from Petersburg & from Mayo have neither come to my hands yet—   I will tomorrow for’d the $31.57 to John Laval of Philada as requested & under cover you will find a triplicate of the bill for’d Williams of London—   The remittance to Mr Vaughan of Philada: was rather too much he writes me—   In haste

Yours very Truly

B. Peyton

Your Bedford Tobacco not heard from yet—


RC (MHi); dateline beneath full signature; endorsed by TJ as received 26 June 1822 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MoSHi: TJC); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Robert G. Scott, 9 Oct. 1824, on verso; addressed (one word editorially corrected from “Chartollesville”): “Mr Thomas Jefferson Monticello Charlottesville”; stamped; postmarked Richmond, 24 June.

Peyton neglected to enclose in this letter the promised triplicate of the bill of exchange (see TJ to Peyton, [27 June 1822], Peyton to TJ, 27 June 1822).

Index Entries

  • Appleton, Thomas; TJ pays search
  • boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
  • books; binding of for TJ search
  • building materials; tin search
  • fish; herring search
  • fish; shad search
  • food; herring search
  • food; shad search
  • herring; sent to TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; binding of books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with J. Laval search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with T. Appleton search
  • Laval, John; TJ pays search
  • Mayo, Frederick August; binds books for TJ search
  • Milton, Va.; boats traveling to and from search
  • naileries; nail-rod and iron stock search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and books for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and fish for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and nail-rod for TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letters from search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Raphael, Isaac; and goods for TJ search
  • Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
  • Robertson, Archibald; agent for TJ search
  • shad; TJ purchases search
  • tin; TJ buys search
  • tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
  • Vaughan, John (1756–1841); handles financial transactions search
  • Williams, Samuel (ca.1759–1841); and remittances to T. Appleton search