Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Memorandum to Philip N. Nicholas, 17 June 1822

Memorandum to Philip N. Nicholas

Extracts from the letters and accounts of Th: Jefferson relative to a sum of £394–10 which passed thro’ his hands from Pendleton and Lyons. or rather thro’ those of his correspondents Gibson & Jefferson.

Geo. Jefferson to Th Jefferson. Nov. 11. 1800 ‘having been much engaged last night after the arrival of the post, I entirely forgot in my hurry to inform you that I recieved a few days ago of messrs Pendleton and Lyons 1315.D. on account of mr Short.’1

Th: Jefferson to George Jefferson. Nov. 29. 1800.2 ‘I would wish you to retain awhile the money you recieved from mr Pendleton. it is necessary for me to know from the Secretary of the Treasury whether he chuses to recieve the money, or to pass it as a payment to mr Short.’

do to do Jan. 5. 1801. ‘I desired the Secretary of the Treasury to give orders on you for the monies last recieved from messrs Pendleton and Lyon, as they belong now to the US. and not to mr Short who looks to them for his money.’


Extract from the accounts of Gibson & Jefferson with Th: Jefferson

1800. Nov. 7.  By cash recd of Pendleton & Lyons on account3 of E. Randolph’s order for the benefit of W. Short  £  s
1801. Jan. 3.  To cash paid J.H. to the order of O. Wolcott 394–10

June 17. 22. The above extracts are truly taken from my letters & accounts, and contain all the information I possess relative to the transaction which they concern.

Th: Jefferson

MS (DLC); entirely in TJ’s hand; endorsed by him as directed to “Nicholas Norborne” and so recorded (with additional notation: “certif. as to £394–10”) in SJL.

j.h.: John Hopkins, the federal commissioner of loans for Virginia.

1Omitted closing quotation mark editorially supplied.

2Date interlined, with day editorially corrected from “27.”

3Manuscript: “acount.”

Index Entries

  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and payments made for TJ search
  • Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and payments to TJ search
  • Hopkins, John (commissioner of loans); and lawsuit against E. Randolph search
  • Jefferson, George (1766–1812) (TJ’s cousin); and payments to TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; as W. Short’s representative search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Memorandum to Philip N. Nicholas search
  • Lyons, Peter; as administrator of J. Robinson’s estate search
  • Nicholas, Philip Norborne; and E. Randolph’s estate search
  • Pendleton, Edmund (1721–1803); as administrator of J. Robinson’s estate search
  • Randolph, Edmund; estate of search
  • Robinson, John (1704–66); estate of search
  • Short, William; TJ represents search
  • Wolcott, Oliver (1760–1833); as secretary of the treasury search