Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Elizabeth Chase, 5 June 1822

To Elizabeth Chase

Monticello June 5. 22.

Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to miss Chace for the volume she has been so kind as to send him by the hands of his grandaughter Ellen Randolph. it brings together many excellent morsels of morality, and others addressed to the finest feelings of the human heart; and, with his thanks he prays her to accept the assurance of his high respect.

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; dateline at foot of text; with recipient’s name spelled correctly in TJ’s endorsement, but rendered as “Chace Elizabeth” in SJL.

Elizabeth Chase (1767–1840), woman of letters, was born in Baltimore, Maryland. A daughter of the Anglican clergyman Thomas Chase, and a half-sister of Samuel Chase, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and United States Supreme Court justice, she compiled a number of works, including Extracts in Prose and Verse, By a Lady of Maryland. together with a collection of Original Poetry, never before published, by Citizens of Maryland, 2 vols. (Annapolis, 1808), and Miscellaneous Selections and Original Pieces, in Prose and Verse. consisting principally of pieces of moral instruction, descriptions of fine scenery, delineations of distinguished characters, &c. (Baltimore, 1821; TJ’s copy inscribed “Thomas Jefferson Respectfully presented by The Editor” and reportedly presented by TJ to Cornelia J. Randolph on 24 June 1822, subsequently sold by Christie’s, London, auction 6973, lot 336, 3 Mar. 2004). Chase proposed in 1824 to publish her father’s translation of the Punica by Tiberius Catius Asconius Silius Italicus, but the idea apparently did not come to fruition (birth record in Saint Paul’s Church Records [MdHi]; MdBmAED: Chase Family Papers; New York National Advocate, 9 Feb. 1824; Baltimore Sun, 2 May 1840).

Index Entries

  • books; on morals search
  • Chase, Elizabeth; identified search
  • Chase, Elizabeth; letter to search
  • Chase, Elizabeth; Miscellaneous Selections and Original Pieces, in Prose and Verse search
  • Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter); delivers books and manuscripts search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Miscellaneous Selections and Original Pieces, in Prose and Verse (E. Chase) search
  • Randolph, Cornelia Jefferson (TJ’s granddaughter); works given to search
  • women; letters to; E. Chase search