Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Mantz to Thomas Jefferson, 28 May 1822

From John Mantz

Frederick Town Md May 28. 22

Dear Sir

My Son who now resides with Mr Elijah Brown will hand you this and would be glad to know how you where pleased with the side Leather Tanned in wood I sent you in 1821—and Should you want leather Upper Tanned in the Same Manner of a Supperior quality than the side sent you for your people please let me know and I will forward the Same to you by Mr Browns waggon at a Moderate price—and remain yours

Respectfully—   obt S—

John Mantz

PS— I have also Superior quallity Spanish swet Sole leather—[. . .]—should you want any please let me know


RC (MHi); one word illegible; at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Manks Jehu” received 3 June 1822 and so recorded in SJL.

swet: “sweat.”

Index Entries

  • Brown, Elijah; and leather for TJ search
  • leather; for shoes search
  • leather; tanning search
  • Mantz, John; as tanner search
  • Mantz, John; family of search
  • Mantz, John; letters from search
  • wagons; mentioned search