Thomas Jefferson Papers

Albemarle County Circuit Court Order in Jefferson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson and Christopher Hudson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson, [8 May 1822]

Albemarle County Circuit Court Order in Jefferson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson and Christopher Hudson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson

[8 May 1822]

Thomas Jefferson Plt } upon a writ of Right
John Hudson & Charles Hudson Defts
Christopher Hudson Plt } upon a writ of Right
John Hudson & Charles Hudson Defts

These causes are continued1 untill the next Term On the motion and at the Plaintiffs Costs; And on the motion of the Defendants by their Attorney Commissions are awarded them to examine and take the deposition of Benjamin Lacy de bene2 esse and Ann Copeland an aged woman, upon giveing reasonable Notice of the time & place of takeing the same which deposition of Ann Copeland when taken is to be read in chief on the trial of this cause

MS (Albemarle Co. Law Order Book [1822–31], 14); in Alexander Garrett’s hand; at head of page and applying to this entry: “Wednesday 8th May 1822 Present the same Judge as on yesterday,” with that judge identified on preceding page as Archibald Stuart.

For TJ’s writ of right in the suit over the ownership of a portion of the Limestone Survey in Albemarle County, see Philip P. Barbour and William F. Gordon to TJ, 7 Aug. 1816, and note. de bene esse: “in anticipation of a future need” (Black’s Law Dictionary description begins Bryan A. Garner and others, eds., Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th ed., 1999 description ends ).

1Manuscript: “continueed.”

2Manuscript: “be ne.”

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County Circuit Court, Va. search
  • Christopher Hudson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson search
  • Copeland, Ann; and Limestone Survey lawsuit search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as Albemarle Co. clerk search
  • Hudson, Charles; and Limestone Survey lawsuit search
  • Hudson, Christopher; and Limestone Survey search
  • Hudson, John; and Limestone Survey lawsuit search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and Limestone Survey lawsuit search
  • Jefferson v. John Hudson and Charles Hudson search
  • Lacy, Benjamin; and Limestone Survey lawsuit search
  • Limestone Survey (Albemarle Co.); lawsuit over ownership of search
  • Stuart, Archibald; as judge search