Thomas Jefferson Papers

Peter B. Read to Thomas Jefferson, 4 May 1822

From Peter B. Read

May 4th 1822


I would be glad, to know, If you would, have any objection—to my horses grazeing above the New dam—as the grass in a few days will be covered with water.—I let him grase thaire a few hours to day which appeares to have put.—Mr Bacon in a very considerable passion

Respectfully your obt Set

Peter. B. Read

RC (MHi); written on a half sheet; dateline at foot of text; adjacent to closing and signature: “Thos Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ.

The new dam was to be located at TJ’s Shadwell mills.

Index Entries

  • Bacon, Edmund; and horses and mules search
  • dams; on Rivanna River search
  • fodder; for horses search
  • grass; as fodder search
  • horses; fodder for search
  • Read, Peter B.; horse of search
  • Read, Peter B.; letters from search
  • Rivanna River; dams on search
  • Shadwell mills; dam at search