Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Horace C. Story, 27 April [1822]

To Horace C. Story

Monticello Apr. 27.

Th: Jefferson returns his thanks to Lt Story for the pamphlet from the Salem East India Marine society which he has been so kind as to forward to him, and to that society particularly for the attention with which they have been pleased to honor him, and he sees with great satisfaction the rich prospect of additions to our science for which we are likely to be indebted to the exertions1 of such public-minded individuals. he prays from Lt Story the acceptance for himself, and the conveyance to the society of his great respect.

RC (MaSaPEM: East India Marine Society Records); partially dated at foot of text; addressed: “Lieutenant Storey of the US. corps of Engineers Washington”; franked; postmarked Milton, 30 Apr.; endorsed in an unidentified hand as a letter of 27 Apr. 1822. PoC (MaSaPEM: East India Marine Society Records); on verso of reused address cover of John Brazer to TJ, 18 Oct. 1819; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 27 Apr. 1822 to “Story Lt” and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “extions.”

Index Entries

  • East India Marine Society search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Story, Horace Cullen; letter to search
  • Story, Horace Cullen; sends pamphlet to TJ search
  • The East-India Marine Society of Salem search