Thomas Jefferson Papers

Bernard Peyton to Charles C. Watson & Sons, 15 April 1822

Bernard Peyton to Charles C. Watson & Sons

Richmond 15th apl 1822


My friend Mr Jefferson put in my hands to day the enclosed dft on Mess Thos Leiper & Sons of your place, for $75. drawn by George G Leiper, which will no doubt be paid on application, I therefore conclude it will [be]1 as well to remitt it to you, together with the five dollars U States note, also under cover herewith on a/c my bill with you, to the credit of which you will please apply it say eighty $80 Dollars. should the dft be not paid, please return it to me I hope the Lydia Davis is with you before this, & that I shall soon receive my Boat back again

with great respect Gentln

Your Mo: Obd Servt

Bernard Peyton

Tr (DLC); subjoined to Tr of enclosure; between dateline and salutation: “Messes: Ch: C Watson & Sons”; at foot of text: “A Copy.” Enclosure: Draft of “George G. Leiper” on Thomas Leiper & Son in favor of Peyton, 11 Apr. 1822 (see note to TJ’s Order on Peyton for “George G. Leiper,” 11 Apr. 1822). Enclosed in Thomas Leiper to TJ, 19 Apr. 1822.

Charles C. Watson (ca. 1767–1853), tailor, was a native of Pennsylvania who formed a partnership with his sons John W. Watson, Henry R. Watson, and Charles C. Watson in Philadelphia on 1 Jan. 1822. The tailoring firm of Charles C. Watson & Sons, which also dealt in fine cloth, had an estimated net worth of $50,000 in 1846 and survived until around 1854 (Philadelphia National Gazette and Literary Register, 3 Jan. 1822; Robert Desilver, The Philadelphia Index, or Directory, for 1823 [(Philadelphia, 1823)]; McElroy’s Philadelphia Directory, for 1854 [1854], 552; Memoirs and Auto-Biography of some of the Wealthy Citizens of Philadelphia [1846], 65; DNA: RG 29, CS, Pa., Philadelphia, 1850; William White Bronson, comp., and Charles R. Hildeburn, ed., The Inscriptions in St. Peter’s Church Yard, Philadelphia [1879], 533).

1Omitted word editorially supplied.

Index Entries

  • Bank of the United States, Second; currency of search
  • banks; currency issued by search
  • boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
  • Charles C. Watson & Sons (Philadelphia firm); and draft on Thomas Leiper & Son search
  • Charles C. Watson & Sons (Philadelphia firm); identified search
  • Charles C. Watson & Sons (Philadelphia firm); letter to, from B. Peyton search
  • currency; paper search
  • Leiper, Thomas; and “George G. Leiper” search
  • Lydia Davis (schooner) search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and draft on Thomas Leiper & Son search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letter from, to Charles C. Watson & Sons search
  • Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
  • Watson, Charles C.; identified search
  • “Leiper, George G.” (pseudonym); TJ’s loan to search