Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John D. Godman and John P. Foote, 31 March 1822

To John D. Godman and John P. Foote

Mar. 31. 22.

Th:J. returns his thanks to Messrs Godman and Foote for the Number of the Western quarterly reporter which they have been so kind as to send him. he is happy to see Science so far advanced in that quarter of our union as to produce so able a work. he has read it with1 great satisfn and with his thanks prays them to accept his respectful salutns.

Dft (MHi); written at foot of RC of Godman and Foote to TJ, 6 Mar. 1822; dateline beneath closing; at foot of text: “Doctr John D. Godman.” Not recorded in SJL.

1TJ here canceled “edificn &.”

Index Entries

  • Foote, John Parsons; letter to search
  • Foote, John Parsons; publishesWestern Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical, and Natural Science search
  • Godman, John Davidson; editsWestern Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical, and Natural Science search
  • Godman, John Davidson; letter to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Western Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical, and Natural Science search