Thomas Jefferson Papers

Victoire Laporte to Thomas Jefferson, 3 March 1822

From Victoire Laporte

Louisa March 31 1822 prices tavern2


Once more I am compeled to write to you concerning our destressing setuation although I Know that we are alrady grately indebted to your bountes it is now the hart rinding suffirings of a most afflicted mouther that causes me to touble you once more we are aboute to be put out of the room we now occupy and my husband is in richmond and for the want of the meens he cannot come for ous ond nether can we go; do sir take pitty on a suffering mouth[er] and gave ous a little ade should it be only to bair our expences to richmond do I intreet your benevelence not to turn a deef year to my prar and in a feeuter day I hope you will be repaid an answar if you pleas by the returning post,

untill then I remain very respectfully yours

Victoire Laporte

RC (MHi); edge trimmed; endorsed by TJ as received 6 Mar. 1822 and so recorded in SJL.

A missing letter from Victoire Laporte of 22 Sept. 1823 is recorded in SJL as received seven days later from Richmond. An October letter from an E. Laporte, not found, is recorded in SJL as received 7 Oct. 1823 from Richmond.

1Manuscript: “March th 3.”

2Preceding two words adjacent to signature.

Index Entries

  • charity; requests to TJ for search
  • Laporte, E.; letter from accounted for search
  • Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband); finances of search
  • Laporte, Victoire (Peter Laporte’s wife); letters from search
  • Laporte, Victoire (Peter Laporte’s wife); letters from accounted for search
  • Laporte, Victoire (Peter Laporte’s wife); requests assistance from TJ search
  • women; letters from; V. Laporte search