Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to James W. Wallace, 23 February 1822

To James W. Wallace

Mo Feb. 23. 22

Dr Doctor

Your letter of the 10th has but just reached me, having loitered long on the way. still I hope this may find you in Phila if the mail does it’s duty of which the improvemt of the season admits a hope.

I send you with pleasure a lre to the President as you requested. but I am afraid you are proposing to yourself a life of thin diet, that of living by the charities you may render to others. a thickening to your soup will certainly be needed from some other quarter.1 the govmt to whom you look2 is like a sow with more pigs than teats. I wish it may have a good one for you.

I am glad to find you are still able to pay your annual visit to Phila. I hear such wonders of it’s increase and of that of N.Y. that I wish I could see their condn before I depart.3 I have friends too there whom it would delight me to see. but years & debility say no and I must acquiesce. long health & prosperity to you with the assurances of my great esteem & respect

Dft (DLC); written on a half sheet; at head of text: “Dr James W. Wallace Phila Sansom, 29.” Enclosure: TJ to James Monroe, [23 Feb. 1822].

1TJ here canceled “but.”

2Preceding four words interlined.

3TJ here canceled “but years & debility forbid that.”

Index Entries

  • aging; TJ on his own search
  • charity; TJ comments on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; aging search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; debility search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; government employment search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); and appointments search
  • New York (city); TJ desires to visit search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation from TJ search
  • Philadelphia; TJ desires to visit search
  • Post Office, U.S.; and mail service search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; letters to search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; seeks appointment search
  • Wallace, James Westwood; TJ recommends search