Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Abner Kneeland, 20 February 1822

To Abner Kneeland

Mo Feb. 20. 22.


Altho it is too late in life for me to be subscribing for books, as having no right to expect a continuance of life until their publicn, yet I subscribe willingly1 for your Gr. & Eng. New Testament because I think it wanting. a larger format2 and more distinct type would have better3 suited my years. with my wishes for the success of your enterprise accept the assurance of my respect4

FC (MWA: Thomas Jefferson Papers); on verso of RC of Kneeland to TJ, 7 Feb. 1822; in TJ’s hand. Printed in Philadelphia Universalist Magazine and Christian Messenger 1 (1822): 251–2, with note at head of text: “It gives us pleasure to publish the following letter inclosing a subscription for the New Testament in Greek and English; a specimen number of which is now in the press, which will contain the preface, consisting of 12 pages, and 24 pages (or 36 pages if the Greek type will hold out) of the body of the work. We acknowledge that the type is smaller than we could have wished, but being on good paper it will appear very well; and perhaps be sufficiently large for young eyes. It is considerably larger than Leusden’s Greek and Latin Testament.”

1Manuscript: “willing.” Philadelphia Universalist Magazine: “willingly.”

2Philadelphia Universalist Magazine: “formal.”

3Word interlined.

4Philadelphia Universalist Magazine: “respects.”

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  • Kneeland, Abner; Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. The New Testament, in Greek and English search
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  • Ἡ Καινὴ Διαθήκη. The New Testament, in Greek and English (A. Kneeland) search