Thomas Jefferson Papers

David Isaacs to Thomas Jefferson, 20 February 1822

From David Isaacs

Feby 20th 1822

Mr Jefferson will receive pr Boy

67½ Beef   6¼ $4. 22
also a large Cake Tallow 30½ 1/ 5. 08
$9. 30

I hope the meat & Tallow will meet your approbation1

David Isaacs

RC (MHi); written on a small scrap; dateline at foot of text; addressed: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ, with his additional notation beneath endorsement: “9.30.”

An account with Isaacs endorsed by TJ as dated 28 Feb. 1822 included the beef and tallow bought on 20 Feb. 1822, in addition to a purchase on 22 Jan. 1822 of “16 Tallow 1/” for $2.67. TJ noted beneath his endorsement that he “pd him cash 11.97” (MS in MHi; written in Isaacs’s hand on a small scrap; undated; docketed by Isaacs: “T. Jefferson with D. Isaacs} ℀”).

1On next line Isaacs erased “In haste.”

Index Entries

  • beef; TJ purchases search
  • food; beef search
  • household articles; tallow search
  • Isaacs, David; letters from search
  • Isaacs, David; sells TJ beef search
  • Isaacs, David; sells TJ tallow search
  • Isaacs, David; TJ’s account with search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with D. Isaacs search
  • tallow search