Thomas Jefferson Papers

Joseph Delaplaine to Thomas Jefferson, 18 February 1822

From Joseph Delaplaine

Philadelphia Feby 18. 1822

Dear sir,

I had the pleasure of writing to you a few days ago, & enclosed a prospectus of the Picture of the United States. If you may think of any thing worthy to be inserted in it I shall be happy to be favoured with it.—Or, if on looking1 into Morse’s Geography you find he has omitted any matter which you May deem interesting, I hope you will have the goodness, provided you may have leisure, to inform me of it, & it shall be supplied.

I now send herewith, the school Exercises, by my friend Charles Mead, & will be happy to receive from you a recommendation2 of it if it is contained in only 3 lines—Mr Mead I know will feel grateful for it.

Very truly & respectfully I am Dr sir, your obedt st

Joseph Delaplaine

RC (DLC); addressed (trimmed): “Thomas Jefferson [Esqr] Monticello Virginia”; endorsed by TJ as received 3 Mar. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Charles Mead, The School Exercise, containing A Course of Lessons, in which the various branches of education are introduced as Subjects for Reading in Schools (Philadelphia, 1821; TJ’s copy in ViCMRL [on deposit ViU], inscribed: “To Thomas Jefferson Esqr from Joseph Delaplaine”).

1Manuscript: “look.”

2Manuscript: “recommedation.”

Index Entries

  • books; on geography search
  • books; textbooks search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; letters from search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; proposed American travel guide search
  • Delaplaine, Joseph; sends work to TJ search
  • education; textbooks search
  • geography; books on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Mead, Charles; The School Exercise, containing a Course of Lessons, in which the various branches of education are introduced as Subjects for Reading in Schools search
  • Morse, Jedidiah; writings of search
  • schools and colleges; textbooks for search
  • The School Exercise, containing a Course of Lessons, in which the various branches of education are introduced as Subjects for Reading in Schools (C. Mead) search
  • United States; travel guides for search