Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Hezekiah Niles, [7 February 1822]

To Hezekiah Niles

[7 Feb. 1822]

[Ed. Note: A letter from TJ to “Henry” Niles of 7 Feb. 1822 is recorded in SJL, with the entry for this missive followed by a bracketed “5.” Nine days later TJ recorded the receipt of a reply from Niles, which was written at Baltimore on 12 Feb. A month later, on 12 Mar. 1822, TJ entered in his column for outgoing letters yet another communication to “Henry” Niles. The SJL entry for this item is also followed by a bracketed notation, which reads “for Nos 13. & 17. W. Reg. 21.” While none of these letters have come to light, their contents may be conjectured. On 7 Feb. 1822 TJ noted in his memorandum book the dispatch to Hezekiah Niles, the editor of the Baltimore Weekly Register, of $5, the cost of a one-year subscription to that journal. Niles’s response of 12 Feb. likely informed TJ that his payment had been received. TJ’s letter to Niles of 12 Mar. 1822 apparently requested that issues thirteen and seventeen of the Weekly Register from 1821 be sent to him (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1383).]

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  • Baltimore, Md.; newspapers search
  • newspapers; BaltimoreNiles’ Weekly Register search
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  • Niles, Hezekiah; andNiles’ Weekly Register search
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