Thomas Jefferson Papers

William Plumer (1789–1854) to Thomas Jefferson, 21 January 1822

From William Plumer (1789–1854)

Washington January 21st 1822

Dear sir,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 13th instant on the subject of my Agricultural Address.

I perceive from your letter that you supposed yourself writing to my father. It is perhaps vanity, as much as a sense of justice, which prompts me to disclaim the praise thus intended for another. I cannot however suffer the opportunity which it affords me of again writing you to escape, without informing you of the very great esteem & respect which my father often expresses of your character & conduct.

I remain very respectfully Your obedient servant

William Plumer Jr

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “President Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as a letter from “Plumer Wm jr” received 27 Jan. 1822 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • agriculture; books on search
  • An Address delivered before the Rockingham Agricultural Society, October 18th, 1821 (W. Plumer [1789–1854]) search
  • books; on agriculture search
  • Plumer, William (1759–1850); on TJ search
  • Plumer, William (1759–1850); TJ misattributes authorship to search
  • Plumer, William (1789–1854); An Address delivered before the Rockingham Agricultural Society, October 18th, 1821 search
  • Plumer, William (1789–1854); letters from search