Thomas Jefferson Papers

David Higginbotham to Thomas Jefferson, 17 January 1822

From David Higginbotham

Morven 17th Jany 1822

Dear Sir

It has now been some time since I have had any conversation with you on the Subject of your debt to me, and as I am in want of the money, will you be so good as to write me at your earliest convnce, when you think you can count on Paying it with certainty, I no the dificulty of the times, and this has caused me to Put of applying to you sooner, the debt with Int is now little short of $4,000   I am Dear Sir,


FC (Lb in ViU: Higginbotham Manuscripts); in Higginbotham’s hand; at head of text: “Mr Thomas Jefferson.” Recorded in SJL as received 27 Jan. 1822.

Index Entries

  • Higginbotham, David; letters from search
  • Higginbotham, David; TJ’s debt to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to D. Higginbotham search