Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to David Easton, 14 January 1822

To David Easton

Monticello Jan. 14. 22.


I am truly sorry it is not within my power to give you any information on the subject of the enquiries in your letter of the 9th. during the revolutionary war Colo Harrison’s services were employed in the army, mine chiefly in the cabinet and very much within my own state, so that I never had an opportunity of acquaintance with Colo Harrison. at the close of the war I was sent to Europe and did not return & join the government until Mar. 1790. in which month I believe Colo Harrison died. I recollect the general expression of regret on that event. I should have been much gratified by the communication of anything within my knolege which might have been useful to his family and feel considerable relief that nothing could add to the weight of the testimony of the President & General la Fayette as to the facts they attest. accept the assurance of my great respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of James Deneale to TJ, 2 July 1820; at foot of text: “David Easton esquire”; endorsed by TJ.

Robert Hanson Harrison died on 2 Apr. 1790 (Annapolis Maryland Gazette, 8 Apr. 1790).

Index Entries

  • Easton, David; and R. H. Harrison’s Revolutionary War service search
  • Easton, David; letter to search
  • Harrison, Robert Hanson; death of search
  • Harrison, Robert Hanson; Revolutionary War service of search
  • Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, marquis de; and R. H. Harrison’s Revolutionary War service search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); and R. H. Harrison’s Revolutionary War service search