Thomas Jefferson Papers

Fernagus De Gelone to Thomas Jefferson, 10 January 1822

From Fernagus De Gelone

Port au Prince 10. January 1822.


I am now in Port au Prince, employed by the Government. Deign to excuse me for the coarseness1 of this paper! I am destined to work on the rules of Howard, of Lancaster, and on your own. I Shall be ever happy to hear from your most Venerable mind. I will take the liberty to Write to you, often. I have a great deal to mention to you.

Your most respectful Servant.
fernagus De Gelone.
 at The Lyceum.

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 20 Feb. 1822, but recorded in SJL as received a day earlier. RC (NNPM); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Lydia Huntley Sigourney, 18 July 1824, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson. Monticelo. Milton. Virginia. U. S. America”; stamped “SHIP”; franked; postmarked New York, 11 Feb.

1Manuscript: “coarness.”

Index Entries

  • education; Lancasterian system search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; as government employee in Haiti search
  • Fernagus De Gelone, Jean Louis; letters from search
  • Howard, John; penal reforms of search
  • Lancaster, Joseph; educational system of search
  • penal institutions search
  • stationery; letter paper search