Thomas Jefferson Papers

John D’Wolf to Thomas Jefferson, 7 January 1822

From John D’Wolf

Bristol R.I. Jany. 7th 1822


But few incidents have occurred in the course of my life, which have given me more pleasure than the receipt of the letter in which is expressed your approbation of the sentiments of my address to the Citizens of this Town, on the 4th of July last:—I would observe Sir, that the copy you recieved was not sent by me; for I never should have thought it worthy of your perusal:—but as it had the good fortune to meet your approbation, I now take the liberty to send you a subsequent composition, embracing the same principles:—

My wife has done herself the pleasure of taking the enclosed copy from my manuscript:—

Should you find leisure to read this address Sir, I hope you will pardon its many levities, as it was calculated for a numerous and miscellaneous audience:—

In the hope that I have not presumed too far, in making this communication,—I am Sir

With sincere & great respect Your fellow citizen

John D’Wolf Jnr

RC (MHi); addressed: “Hon. Thomas Jefferson Monticello Virginia”; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Jan. 1822 and so recorded in SJL; with Dft of TJ to D’Wolf, 26 Jan. 1822, beneath endorsement. Enclosure apparently covered by identical address leaf later reused by TJ for Dft of TJ to John Michael O’Connor and FC of TJ to Bernard Peyton, both 16 May 1824.

The enclosed copy of an address D’Wolf delivered on 4 Sept. 1821 at a meeting of the United Brothers’ Society at Brown University has not been found. According to one newspaper, D’Wolf “commenced his oration, by the interrogation, ‘can any good thing come out of Nazareth?’ ‘Come and see,’ was a command following the interrogation. The speaker most ably illustrated the nature, power and influence of prejudice” (Boston Christian Register 1 [7 Sept. 1821]: 15).

Index Entries

  • An Address delivered to the Citizens of Bristol, R. I., July Fourth, 1821 (J. D’Wolf) search
  • Brown University; United Brothers’ Society search
  • D’Wolf, John; An Address delivered to the Citizens of Bristol, R. I., July Fourth, 1821 search
  • D’Wolf, John; letter from search
  • D’Wolf, John; oration of search
  • D’Wolf, Sylvia Griswold (John D’Wolf’s wife); as amanuensis search
  • Fourth of July; orations search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • schools and colleges; Brown University search
  • schools and colleges; literary and fraternal societies at search