Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Jonathan Russell, 5 January 1822

To Jonathan Russell

Monticello Jan. 5. 22

Th: Jefferson returns thanks to mr Russell for the Agricultural address he has been so kind as to send him. retired from such occupations himself, he recieves it as a mark of friendly recollections and1 good will from mr Russell which he reciprocates sincerely; and with his2 best wishes for the prosperity3 of the plough he salutes mr Russell with great esteem4 & respect.

RC (Raab Collection, Ardmore, Pa., 2010); dateline at foot of text. Dft (MHi); on verso of RC of Russell to TJ, 30 Dec. 1821.

1Preceding three words interlined in Dft, with the second rendered as “reccollection.”

2In Dft TJ here canceled “friendly salutns.”

3Word interlined in Dft in place of “success.”

4Preceding two words interlined in Dft in place of “frdshp.”

Index Entries

  • Address delivered before the Worcester Agricultural Society, September 27, 1821, being their Anniversary Cattle Show and Exhibition of Manufactures (J. Russell) search
  • agriculture; Worcester Agricultural Society search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Russell, Jonathan; Address delivered before the Worcester Agricultural Society, September 27, 1821, being their Anniversary Cattle Show and Exhibition of Manufactures search
  • Russell, Jonathan; letter to search
  • Worcester Agricultural Society search