Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Munroe, 1 January 1822

To Thomas Munroe

Monto Jan. 1. 22.

I have every disposition to do any act of service to you within the limits of propriety. but withdrawn from the world & unauthorised by office or any other qualifn I do not feel myself entitled to address a lre to the Emperor of Russia, Ct Nesselrode or any of the authorities of that country. I am happy however in believing that1 with the patronage of mr Adams & mr Politika your son is as well assured of a favble reception in that country as recommendns can procure him. with my regrets that I cannot avail myself of this occasion of being useful to you accept the assurance Etc

Dft (CSmH: JF-BA); written beneath postscript of RC of Munroe to TJ, 20 Dec. 1821. Not recorded in SJL.

1Preceding seven words interlined in place of “however,” with the word “believing” further reworked from “being satisfied.”

Index Entries

  • Adams, John Quincy; recommends T. Munroe (ca.1798–1834) search
  • Alexander I, emperor of Russia; and military appointments search
  • Munroe, Thomas (ca.1798–1834); seeks military appointment in Russia search
  • Munroe (Monroe), Thomas (1771–1852); letters to search
  • Munroe (Monroe), Thomas (1771–1852); seeks appointment for son search
  • Nesselrode, Karl Robert von search
  • Polética, Pierre de; and T. Munroe (ca.1798–1834) search