Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John Laval, 24 December 1821

To John Laval

Monticello Dec. 24. 21.


In your letter of Oct. 9. you were so kind as to inclose me a catalogue in which I observe mentioned a Dion Cassius 4 vols 16o Greek 6.D. will you be so good as to note to me whether it has a translation or only the Greek text, whether notes, and by whom, as well as the place and date of it’s publication. am I right in understanding the figures 16o to mean ‘in sixteens’ the English term? Accept the assurance of my esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); on verso of a reused address cover from Ann C. Morris to TJ; adjacent to signature: “Mr John Laval”; with notation by TJ at foot of text:
1822. Apr. 26. wrote to him for

Herodotus 3. v.
Thucydides  2.
Xenophon 5.
Plutarch 6 all of same format, 16s”;
endorsed by TJ.

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