Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Transactions with James Leitch, 12 December 1821–12 September 1822

Transactions with James Leitch

[Leitch Daybook description begins MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL, on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand description ends , p. 341, 12 Dec. 1821:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
½ doz Cut Glass Tumblers $4½ 2 25
1  〃 〃  Wine Glasses $4½ 4 50
45lbs Bar Iron 6d 3 75 10.50 

[p. 342, 15 Dec. 1821:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
9. 4 Paint Blankets 17/3 25 88
11. large Striped Blankets 16/6 30 25
1. Bolt. Say 144 yds German Oznaburgs @ 23cts 33 12
2 〃  Say 299 〃  〃   〃 @ 25cts 74 75
8lbs Oznaburg thread 7/6 10
4 Papers Needles 1s/6. 41lbs Iron 6d 4 42
6 Liverpool China Covered dishes 12s/– 12 190.42 

[p. 343, 17 Dec. 1821:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Burrel
1 Large L China Pitcher 7/6 1 25
2 Small 〃 do.  〃 4/6 1 50 2.75 
4 ℔s Shot 1/ 1 ℔ D. Gun powder ⅌ Order 5/3 1 55 

[p. 344, 20 Dec. 1821:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order E. Bacon
2 Gallons whiskey 4/6 1.50 

[p. 348, 31 Dec. 1821:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
2lb 8d Wt nails 1/1½ 38 

[p. 348, 2 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
213lb Iron 6d 17.75 

[p. 349, 4 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Boy 1.25 
1m 2 Inch Sprigs1 7/6

[p. 350, 7 Jan. 1822:]
.50. .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash
Paid carriage for 2380lb from Richmond at 4/6 17 85
ditto paid Edmund Meeks2 ⅌ Order 20

[p. 352, 11 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
lb German Steel 1/6 1.31 

[p. 353, 14 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
22lb German Steel 1/6. 75 Iron 6d 11.75 

[p. 355, 17 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order3
3¼ Gallon whiskey 4/6. 2 Gallons F. Brandy 16/6 7.94 

[p. 356, 22 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ order E.B.
13lb 10d Cutt nails 1/– 2.17 

[p. 356, 22 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ order
1 Box raisins 36/– 2lb Glue 2/6 6.84 

[p. 358, 28 Jan. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
8lb 10d Cutt nails 1/– 1.34 

[p. 362, 6 Feb. 1822:]
.76. .50. Cash Dr to Thomas Jefferson
Received of him 38

[p. 363, 8 Feb. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
11 yds Blue forest Cloth 7/6 13 75
3 〃 Brown holland 2/6. 2 Slips thread 1/6 1 75
2 doz Gilt Buttons 3/– 2 doz horn do 9d 1 25
1 Large Patent Pad lock 7/6 1 25
10lb Candles 1/6 2 50 20.50 

[p. 364, 11 Feb. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 Wire Sifter 6/– 1.  

[p. 367, 16 Feb. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
3 yds fine Grey Cassimere 24/– 12
2 〃 Brown holland 3/– 1
4 hanks Silk 6d. 1 Stick Twist 6d 42
1 Almanac ⅌ Self 9d 13 13.55 

[p. 370, 23 Feb. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order Some time since
1 Box Candles 37lbs @ 1/6 9 25
1 〃  for do 1/6 25 9.50 

[p. 372, 28 Feb. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
2½ yd Mixd Blue Cassimere 24/– 10 4
1 yd Brown Holld 3/6. 3 hanks Silk 6d. 3 do thread 3cts 93 10.93 

[p. 374, 4 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Burrell
3½ yds fine Irish linen 3/9 2.19 

[p. 377, 6 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
30lb5 10d Cut nails 1/– 2lb 6d do do 1/1½ 5.38 

[p. 379, 13 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson At Reqt E Bacon
21lb Plough Plates 6d 1.75 

[p. 380, 14 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Burrell
1 Vest Patern 12/– 2 yds Domestic 1/6 2 50
1 hank Silk 6d. thread 4½ 15 2.65 

[p. 382, 18 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
12 ℔s Barr Lead 1/. 2
1 paper ⅝ Inch Sprigs 2/6 42 2.42 

[p. 383, 21 Mar. 1822:]
<51> .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash paid
Carriage on Box from Richmond .38 

[p. 383, 22 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
6 yds Domestic Cloth 1/6 1.50 

[p. 383, 22 Mar. 1822:]
.51. .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash
Lent him 50

[p. 384, 25 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Burrel
4 yds Mixed Cassimere 12/. 8
4 Skeins Silk 6d 1 Stick twist 6d 42
6 〃 Thread 3cts 2 Skeins Silk 6d 35
3 yds Brown Holland 3/6 1 75
1½ doz Gilt Buttons 3/. 75
4 yds Olive Manchester Cord 6/. 4 15 27 

[p. 385, 25 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
6 Bottles Mustard 1/6 30 ℔s Cheese 1/. 6 50 

[p. 385, 28 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
200 ℔s Barr Iron 6d 16 67
15  〃  English Blistard Steel 1/. 2 50
1 Keg English white Lead 36/. 6 25.17 

[p. 386, 28 Mar. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
12 ℔s 8d Cutt Nails 1/. 2  

[p. 386, 1 Apr. 1822:]
.51. .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash
paid E Bacon ⅌ Order 21

[p. 387, 1 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson at Request of Joseph
31 ℔s Barr Iron 6d 2 58 

[p. 388, 2 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ T. Pickering
3 doz 2 Inch Screws 1/6 .75 

[p. 389, 2 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
6 Liverpool China Chamber Pots 6/. 6  

[p. 390, 4 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Sundries
Cash paid in part your order to T. Pickering 10
.196. Thomas Pickering for Bal of your order 12

[p. 390, 5 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
1 Patent Pad Lock 6/. 1  

[p. 391, 6 Apr. 1822:]
.51. .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash
Paid him 10

[p. 392, 10 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
12 ℔s 8d Cutt nails 1/ 2
 5 〃 Green Coffee 2/6 32 ℔s Iron 6d 4 75 6 75 

[p. 393, 15 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
45 ℔s Barr Iron 6d 3.75 

[p. 394, 15 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
17 ℔s 10d Nails (Cutt) 1/. 2.84 

[p. 394, 16 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mrs R
2  yds Course Red flannel 3/. 1
1  〃 6/4 fine Cambric 5/3 88
1½ 〃 4/4 Domestic Cloth 2/. 50
1 Large Liverpool China Soup Turean 27/. 4 50 6.88 

[p. 394, 16 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
2 Stock Locks 6/. 2  

[p. 394, 16 Apr. 1822:]
.76. .51. Cash Dr. to Thomas Jefferson
Received of him in draft on B. Peyton 120

[p. 395, 16 Apr. 1822:]
.51. .76. Thomas Jefferson Dr to Cash
Paid him 17

[p. 397, 23 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
2 ℔s 8d Cutt nails 1/. 34 

[p. 399, 28 Apr. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mr Gorman
3 ℔s Duponts Gunpowder 4/6 2.25 

[p. 400, 2 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
17 ℔s 10d Cutt nails 1/. 2 84.

[p. 401, 3 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
25 ℔s Brown Sugar 1/. 4.17 

[p. 401, 4 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
2 yds Canton Crape 6/. 2
2 doz Pearl Buttons 3/. 1
4 Oz. Thread No 24. 2/3 1 50
1 ℔ Gunpowder ⅌ Mr J. Gorman 4/6 75.
Merchandise furnished J. Hemings ⅌ Order 12 17.25 

[p. 402, 6 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
1 Pat Buff Marsails Vesting 7/6 1 25.
2 yds fine Steam Loom Shirting 3/. 1
2 hanks Silk 6d   2 hanks Thread 3cts 23
3 yds Ticking 4/6. 3 yds Dark Calico 2/6 3 50 5.98 

[p. 404, 7 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ John Gorman
2 ℔s Duponts Gun powder 4/6 1.50 

[p. 404, 7 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mr Bacon
4 ℔s 8d Cutt Nails 1/. 4 ℔s 8d Wt Nails 1/1½ 1.42 

[p. 405, 8 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mrs R.
½ Ps Black Canton Crape $16 8
1 Pr Beaver Gloves 3/9. 2 Skeins Silk 6d 80 8.80 

[p. 411, 20 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order E Bacon
1 Pr Sheep Shears 3/. 50 

[p. 413, 28 May 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson At Reqst of E Bacon
1 Sack Salt $6 6  

[p. 415, 3 June 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
1 Parasol $3 3  

[p. 419, 8 June 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
10 ℔s 12d Cutt Nails 1/. 1.67 

[p. 421, 14 June 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 Plain Iron 2/3 2 Skeins Silk 6d 54 

[p. 426, 27 June 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
132 ℔s assorted Iron 6d 11  

[p. 426, 27 June 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
28 Large Wool Hats 7/– 32 67
12 Boys  〃  〃 6/– 12 00 44.67 

[p. 429, 1 July 1822:]
.101. .76. Thomas Jefferson To A. McKee
For 1 Wool Hat 7/6 1 25

[p. 429, 2 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
4. Mens Wool Hats 7/– 4 67
14½ yds Blue Cotton Cassimere 2/6 6 05
4 yds 4/4 Domestic ⅌ Mrs Randolph 30cts 1 20
2 Slips Black Thread 1/. 34
4 doz Black Buttons 9d 50 12.76 

[p. 431, 3 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Self
70 yds Oznaburgs 23cts 16 10
3 doz Buttons 9d 1 Pad Lock 1/6 63 16.73 

[p. 431, 4 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 ℔. Oznaburg Thread 7/6 1.25 

[p. 431, 4 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 Cast Steel Handsaw 13/6 2 25
3 Pad Locks 1/6 75 3  

[p. 433, 10 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
27 yds Dowlass 2/3. 10.13 

[p. 433, 10 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 Phial Rheubarb 1/6 25
2 Ozs Magnesia 1/. 34 59.

[p. 435, 13 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 doz Brass Top Gimblets 6/. 1
1 Patent Pad Lock. 7/6 1 25 2.25.

[p. 435, 13 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
1 Wool. Hat. 6/. 1  

[p. 435, 15 July 1822:]
.110. .76. Thomas Jefferson To John Pollock
For 24 ℔s Leather ⅌ Mr E. Bacon 2/. 8

[p. 439, 27 July 1822:]
.188. .76. Thomas Jefferson To Bramham & Bibb
For 1 Plain Iron. ⅌ Order Some time Since 1 88

[p. 439, 27 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
6 English Spades 8/3. 8.25 

[p. 440, 29 July 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mrs Randolph
30 yds Checked Domestic 25cts 7 50
11 ℔s English Blistard Steel ⅌ Order 1/. 1 84 9.34 

[p. 443, 31 July 1822:]
 76  Thomas Jefferson for Int on his acct 54 50

[p. 452, 10 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
2 doz Liverpool China Dinner plates 12/. 4
1. Oz Nutmegs 3/–. 50
2 Bottles Mustard 1/6 50 5  

[p. 455, 15 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order of E. Bacon
50 lbs. 10d Cutt Nails 1/. 8 34
20 〃 20d  〃  do 14cts 2 80 11.14 

[p. 455, 16 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
15 yds Oznaburgs 1/6 3 75
1 lb Lampblack 1/6 25
1 Pr, Shoe brushes 4/6 75 4.75 

[p. 457, 19 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Jno Gorman
½ ℔ Allum 1/.   ½ ℔ Salt petre 3/–. 34
½ 〃 Brimstone 1/. 2〃 Bees Wax. 2/6. 92 1.26 

[p. 459, 23 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌. Mrs R
18 yds long Cloth 3/– 9
5  〃 Damask Table Cloth 12/–. 10
27¾ 〃 Domestic Cloth 30cts 8 32 27.32 

[p. 460, 27 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order of E. Bacon
35 ℔s 10d Cutt Nails 1/–. 5 84
20 〃  20d 〃 〃 14cts 2 80 8.64 

[p. 462, 31 Aug. 1822:]
.76. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
1 Cast Steel Hand Saw. 12/. 2  

[p. 464, 3 Sept. 1822:]
.77. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ E. Bacon
4 Handsaw files 1/. 2 Cross Cut Saw do 2/– 1.34 

[p. 464, 4 Sept. 1822:]
.77. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Mrs Randolph
28¾ yds Waltham Shirting 6/4. 40cts 11 50
 9 〃 4/4 Chintz 3/6. 5 25
29¾ 〃 Power Loom Shirting 2/9. 13 686
2 pr Mens Shoes ea 15/. 5 35.43 

[p. 467, 12 Sept. 1822:]
.77. Thomas Jefferson ⅌ Order
500 ℔s Barr Iron 6d 41 67
4 flat files (at Reqst Some time Since) 3/9. 2 50
2. ½ Round C.S. files  〃 ea 3/. 4/6 & 5/3. 4 25 48.42 

The Leitch Daybook description begins MS daybook of Charlottesville merchant James Leitch, 2 Mar. 1820–8 May 1823, ViCMRL, on deposit ViU, bound volume with ruled paper, in a clerk’s hand description ends in ViU, Leitch’s bookkeeping methods and frequently used abbreviations, and the methods by which the Editors present the above extracts detailing entries involving TJ are described above at 6 Mar. 1820 in an editorial note on Extracts from James Leitch’s Daybook.

burrel (Burrell): Burwell Colbert. d. gun powder: gunpowder from the factory of Eleuthère I. du Pont de Nemours. f. brandy: French brandy. forest cloth is a woolen fabric (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ). joseph: Joseph Fossett. dowlass (dowlas): “a coarse kind of linen, much used in the 16th and 17th centuries” (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ). c.s. files: probably cast steel files.

1Manuscript: “Spigs.”

2Manuscript: “Weeks.”

3Manuscript: “⅌rder.”

4Line interlined.

5Manuscript: “30l.”

6The correct figure is 13.64.

Index Entries

  • alcohol; brandy search
  • alcohol; whiskey search
  • almanacs search
  • alum; TJ purchases search
  • Bacon, Edmund; orders goods for TJ search
  • Bacon, Edmund; TJ pays search
  • beavers; and gloves search
  • beeswax; TJ purchases search
  • blankets; striped search
  • blankets; “paint” search
  • Bramham & Bibb (Charlottesville firm); TJ purchases tools from search
  • brandy; French search
  • brushes; shoe search
  • building materials; iron search
  • building materials; lead search
  • building materials; nails search
  • building materials; screws search
  • building materials; steel search
  • buttons search
  • calico search
  • cambric (textile) search
  • candles search
  • cheese; TJ orders search
  • chintz (textile) search
  • clothing; buttons search
  • clothing; gloves search
  • clothing; hats search
  • clothing; parasols search
  • clothing; patterns for search
  • clothing; shoes search
  • clothing; vests search
  • coffee; green search
  • Colbert, Burwell (TJ’s slave;1783–ca.1862; Critta Colbert’s husband); and goods for TJ search
  • cotton; damask search
  • dowlas (textile) search
  • du Pont de Nemours, Eleuthère Irénée; gunpowder of search
  • files (tools) search
  • flannel; TJ orders search
  • food; cheese search
  • food; mustard search
  • food; raisins search
  • Fossett, Joseph (Joe) (TJ’s slave; b.1780); and goods for TJ search
  • gimlets search
  • gloves search
  • glue; TJ orders search
  • Gorman, John; orders goods for TJ search
  • gunpowder; TJ purchases search
  • hats; TJ orders search
  • hats; wool search
  • Hemmings, John (TJ’s slave; b. ca.1776); and goods for TJ search
  • holland (textile) search
  • household articles; alum search
  • household articles; beeswax search
  • household articles; blankets search
  • household articles; buttons search
  • household articles; candles search
  • household articles; chamber pots search
  • household articles; dishes search
  • household articles; glue search
  • household articles; lampblack search
  • household articles; locks search
  • household articles; needles search
  • household articles; padlocks search
  • household articles; pitchers search
  • household articles; plates search
  • household articles; shot search
  • household articles; sifters search
  • household articles; tablecloths search
  • household articles; thread search
  • household articles; tumblers search
  • household articles; tureens search
  • household articles; wineglasses search
  • iron; bar search
  • iron; purchased by TJ search
  • iron; tools search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; purchases from J. Leitch search
  • lampblack search
  • lead; bar search
  • lead; white search
  • leather; TJ buys search
  • Leitch, James; account with TJ search
  • Leitch, James; extracts from daybook of search
  • Leitch, James; makes payments for TJ search
  • Leitch, James; TJ orders goods from search
  • linen search
  • locks; padlocks search
  • locks; stock-lock search
  • looms search
  • machines; loom search
  • magnesium oxide (magnesia); TJ purchases search
  • McKee, Andrew; TJ buys hat from search
  • medicine; alum search
  • medicine; magnesium oxide (magnesia) search
  • medicine; rhubarb search
  • medicine; sulfur search
  • Meeks, Edmund; TJ pays search
  • mustard; purchased by TJ search
  • nails; purchased by TJ search
  • nails; sprigs search
  • nutmeg search
  • osnaburg (oznabrig, oznaburg); fabric search
  • osnaburg (oznabrig, oznaburg); thread search
  • parasols search
  • Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
  • Pickering, Thomas; and goods for TJ search
  • pitchers search
  • plows; plow plates search
  • Pollock, John; TJ purchases leather from search
  • raisins; TJ orders search
  • Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); purchases goods search
  • rhubarb; TJ purchases search
  • salt; TJ acquires search
  • saltpeter search
  • saws; crosscut search
  • saws; handsaws search
  • screws search
  • sheep; shears for search
  • shirting (textile) search
  • shoes; brushes for search
  • shoes; TJ’s search
  • shot; purchased by TJ search
  • sifters; wire search
  • silk; TJ orders search
  • slaves; errands by search
  • spades search
  • spices; nutmeg search
  • steel; blistered search
  • steel; German search
  • steel; purchased by TJ search
  • steel; tools search
  • sugar; brown search
  • sulfur; TJ purchases search
  • tablecloths search
  • textiles; calico search
  • textiles; cambric search
  • textiles; cassimere search
  • textiles; chintz search
  • textiles; crepe search
  • textiles; domestic search
  • textiles; dowlas search
  • textiles; flannel search
  • textiles; holland search
  • textiles; linen search
  • textiles; Manchester cord search
  • textiles; osnaburg search
  • textiles; plain cloth search
  • textiles; shirting search
  • textiles; silk search
  • textiles; ticking search
  • textiles; wool search
  • thread search
  • ticking (textile) search
  • tools; files search
  • tools; gimlets search
  • tools; handsaws search
  • tools; spades search
  • tools; steel search
  • tumblers (drinking vessels) search
  • whiskey; TJ orders search
  • wine; glasses for search
  • wool; forest cloth search