Thomas Jefferson Papers

Jefferson S. Myer to Thomas Jefferson, 6 December 1821

From Jefferson S. Myer

Washington City. Dec. 6. 1821


This in an entire stranger, might be considered the hight of presumption, but should it not meet your approbation, I hope it will not meet your displeasure; therefore a longer preamble I deem entirely unnecessary, and shall proceed to make known my intentions—

In august 1817 I entered the U.S. Military Academy with the intention of making arms my profession, but owing to domestic causes, it was necessary for me to resign my appointment of Cadet, in consequence of which destroying my fondest hopes; but circumstances having so materially changed, that it will permit of my entering the service again, for which I have the fondest inclination; the Marine corps being the one I prefer, I wish to obtain a Lieutenancy in it if possible, for which purpose I take the liberty of soliciting your influence; I presume my father’s republican principles are sufficiently known to you having edited a paper during your administration,1 in consequence of which, his ardent zeal to the devotion of his country, was the cause of his sinking in fortune, and I may say in an early grave; should the fact be recollected by you of his truly republican sentiments, I must ardently beg you would state the fact in order that I may present the same to Hon. Sec. of the Navy to secure my appointment of Lieutenancy in the Marine corps, your not having a personal acquaintance with me I could not ask any thing more, by so doing you will confer the highest favour on one who has only his correct deportment to depend upon, should you be pleased to answer this humble request I beg you would not delay it, as the appointments will be made this month—

I have the honour to be your most obedient and humble Servt.2
Jefferson S Myer
son of the late Solomon Myer
 of Pennsylvania

P.S. I herewith subjoin a list of my friends making interest for me; Capt J. R. Bell U.S. Army, formerly my commanding officer—Mr Anderson 1st. compr of the treasury; and Messrs; Pitcher, Gross of N.Y. Clark, Williams of Va. Wallace, Regles. members of the last and present Congress—


RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 9 Dec. 1821 from “Myer Jefferson J.” and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Granville Sharp Pattison, 3 Apr. 1824, on verso; addressed: “Hon. Thomas Jefferson Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked.

Jefferson S. Myer (ca. 1799–1824), soldier, was a native of Pennsylvania who likely moved in 1804 with his family from York to Washington, D.C. He attended the United States Military Academy as a cadet, 1817–20. Myer afterwards served as a lieutenant in the Mexican marines and died in Alvarado, Mexico (A Register of Officers and Agents, Civil, Military, and Naval, in the service of the United States, on the Thirtieth Day of September, 1817 [Washington, 1818], 59; Fredericktown [later Frederick], Md., Bartgis’s Republican Gazette, 12 Oct. 1804; Official Register of the Officers and Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, N. Y. [(West Point?), 1820], 11; Washington Daily National Intelligencer, 4 Sept. 1824, 25 Mar. 1837).

Myer’s father, Solomon Myer, edited the Unpartheyische York [Pa.] Gazette from 1796 until around 1804, when he moved to Washington, D.C. (Brigham, American Newspapers description begins Clarence S. Brigham, History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690–1820, 1947, 2 vols. description ends , 2:992; Bartgis’s Republican Gazette, 12 Oct. 1804). regles was likely Charles H. Ruggles, of New York.

1Manuscript: “admistration.”

2Manuscript: “Serv;t.”

Index Entries

  • Anderson, Joseph; as comptroller of the treasury search
  • Bell, John R.; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Clark, Robert; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Congress, U.S.; members of search
  • Gross, Ezra Carter; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation to search
  • Myer, Jefferson S.; and U.S. Military Academy search
  • Myer, Jefferson S.; family of search
  • Myer, Jefferson S.; identified search
  • Myer, Jefferson S.; letter from search
  • Myer, Jefferson S.; seeks military appointment search
  • Myer, Solomon; as editor ofUnpartheyische York Gazette search
  • Myer, Solomon; death of search
  • newspapers; Unpartheyische York Gazette (Pa.) search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation to TJ search
  • Pitcher, Nathaniel; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Ruggles, Charles Herman; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Thompson, Smith; as secretary of the navy search
  • United States Military Academy (West Point, N.Y.); students at search
  • Unpartheyische York Gazette (Pa. newspaper) search
  • Wallace, James M.; as reference for J. S. Myer search
  • Williams, Jared; as reference for J. S. Myer search