Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Frederick C. Schaeffer, 28 November 1821

To Frederick C. Schaeffer

Nov. 28. 21.

Th:J. returns his thanks to the revd mr Schaeffer for the renewed mark of his attention in sending him a copy of his ‘Address.’1 he has read it with the pleasure it always gives him to see among all religious sects that spirit of toleration and brotherly affection which our weaknesses & wants so urgently & mutually2 call for, & he salutes him with esteem & respect.

Dft (CSmH: JF); dateline at foot of text; on verso of RC of Schaeffer to TJ, 19 Nov. 1821.

1TJ here canceled “which he has been so kind as to send him,” with his terminal period following this phrase editorially moved inside closing quotation mark.

2Preceding two words interlined.

Index Entries

  • An Address, pronounced at the laying of the Corner Stone of St. Matthew’s Church, New-York, October 22, 1821 (F. C. Schaeffer) search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; religion search
  • religion; TJ on search
  • Schaeffer, Frederick Christian; An Address, pronounced at the laying of the Corner Stone of St. Matthew’s Church, New-York, October 22, 1821 search
  • Schaeffer, Frederick Christian; letters to search