Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Moody to Thomas Jefferson, 20 November 1821

From John Moody

Cartersville November 20th 1821—

Respected Dear sir

I am Likely to have a Law Litigation with the Executors of Oliver Evans Deasd viz. his two Sons are the Exetrs and Legatees also, I have been upwards of two years Trying by all moderate means in my Power to Bring them to Setlement, But all in Vain, they Evade me by futile arts My Claims vs the Estate is Considerable, I find no other way than by Serving and perhaps in that Case then Council May atack my Character at the Bar in Philadelphia, I intend Shortly Down to Richmond and have my general Character Drawn on paper and a few of the principal noted gentlemen to put their names thereto where I have Resided Since the year 1786. till 18. Mos past In the Meantime I have to Request the kind favour of you1 Sir who have known me upwards of thirty years—To address a Letter to me at this Place Stateing what you may think My Character2 Deserves, I have filld Many Important stations & places of Much Trust without Blame to my knowledge in the Smalest Degree, I have no Doubt But you are often Calld on for Such favours I hope you will Excuse the Request and give Complyance I ask your Pardon for this address. I Tender you my Respects

Sincerely I am your Humble St.

John Moody

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 25 Nov. 1821 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Bernard Peyton, 12 Mar. 1824, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello Albemarle County three Miles from Charlottesville Post office, Virginia”; stamped; postmarked Cartersville, 20 Nov. 1821.

1Manuscript: “your.”

2Manuscript: “Charater.”

Index Entries

  • Evans, Oliver; lawsuit against estate of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; reference requested search
  • Moody, John; as agent for O. Evans search
  • Moody, John; letters from search
  • Moody, John; requests character reference search