Thomas Jefferson Papers

Edward Graham to Thomas Jefferson, 10 November 1821

From Edward Graham

Lexington Novr 10th 1821


Your letter of the 22d Ulto informing that you intended, if weather & health would allow, to be at the N. bridge on 11th or 12th Inst for the purpose of ascertaining the lines of the survey including the bridge and requesting me to attend for that purpose, if I should be sent for.

I think it will be inconvenient for me on several accounts1 to attend, and I also feel considerably indispos[e]d to day being seized last night with a pain in my back which, if it continues, will completely unfit me for surveying. Under these circumstances, to prevent your being disappointed or delayed, if you should come to the bridge, I have to day spoken to capt William Paxton who is the Surveyor of this county, to attend, if sent for, & do the business for you. He has promised that he will. As capt Paxton is well practised in surveying & acquainted with several surveys in the neighbourhood of the bridge, he will probably suit your purpose better than I would.

It would have given me pleasure to have complied with your wishes, & if no suitable substitute could have been obtained I would have made the attempt; but having capt Paxton in my stead you will rather gain than loose by the exchange.

Sir respectfully yrs

Edw: Graham

Patrick knows where capt Paxton lives. His residence is nearer the bridge than mine.

RC (MHi); mutilated; postscript adjacent to signature; addressed: “Thos Jefferson Esqr when at the N. Bridge” by “Patrick Henry”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Nov. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

A missing letter from TJ to William Paxton of 11 Nov. 1821 is recorded in SJL with TJ’s additional notation: “to attend tomorrow to survey Natl bridge.”

1Preceding three words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Graham, Edward; and survey of Natural Bridge search
  • Graham, Edward; letters from search
  • Henry, Patrick (of Rockbridge Co.); and survey of Natural Bridge search
  • Henry, Patrick (of Rockbridge Co.); delivers letter search
  • Natural Bridge, Va.; survey of search
  • Paxton, William; and survey of Natural Bridge search
  • Paxton, William; letter to accounted for search
  • surveying; and Natural Bridge search