Thomas Jefferson Papers

Samuel Garland to Thomas Jefferson, 24 October 1821

From Samuel Garland

Lynchburg Oct 24. 1821


A client put into my hands a bond against Mr Hawkins for collection, who to avoid the expence of a suit, gave in exchange your and Mr Yancys bond for $231. at interest from the 12th day of October last

The money is much needed by my client, and I now send my agent1 with the bond, under the full confidence that the money will be paid—or if it shall be more conveniant to you a draft upon your agent in Richmond at 60 days will be satisfactory—

I am Sir Most Respectfully Yr. obt. St.

S. Garland

Bond.  12 Oct.  1820  $ 231
Int. 25 — . 1821  14  37
$ 245 .37

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received the day it was written and so recorded in SJL; with FC of TJ to Garland, 25 Oct. 1821, beneath endorsement.

1Word interlined in place of “brother.”

Index Entries

  • Garland, Samuel; and TJ’s debt to Mr. Hawkins search
  • Garland, Samuel; letters from search
  • Hawkins, Mr.; TJ buys horses from search
  • horses; TJ buys search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; debt to Mr. Hawkins search
  • Yancey, Joel (d.1833); buys horses for TJ search