Thomas Jefferson Papers

Burwell Bassett to Thomas Jefferson, 27 September 1821

From Burwell Bassett

Tinsley Ville Sep. 27th 1821.

Dear Sir

Our friend Judge Roane passed here yesterday and delivered me your friendly invitation to Visit Montecello. I regret that previous to that I had made an engagement for this day which left not a sufficiency of time before you would be lieving home. I beg you to be assured that your politeness is1 highly appreciated and that I would have availed myself of it had time permited

Accept the assurance of highest respect and esteem from your obt. Ser

Burwell Bassett—

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 1 Oct. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

1Manuscript: “is is.”

Index Entries

  • Bassett, Burwell; letters from search
  • Bassett, Burwell; TJ invites to Monticello search
  • Roane, Spencer; delivers message search