Thomas Jefferson Papers

Daniel Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 23 September 1821

From Daniel Brent

Washington, 23 September 1821.

Dear Sir,

I had the Pleasure of receiving your favor of the 11th Instant, and to deliver to mr Barnes the Box of ores, agreeably to your Request.

Cardelli, the Italian Artist, left this City about twelve months ago, and I cannot learn where he is now settled; nor have I yet been able to execute your Commission concerning the busts of Messrs Madison and Monroe, none that I can hear being for sale here. It is possible, however, that I may accidentally meet with some, at second Hand, to be disposed of—In that case I will lose no time in informing you of the Circumstance, and of the other particular which you wished.   I remain, Dear Sir, with perfect Esteem and Respect, your Obedt & very humble servant,

Daniel Brent.

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Oct. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Barnes, John; ships goods to TJ search
  • Brazil; minerals from search
  • Brent, Daniel; and goods for TJ search
  • Brent, Daniel; and P. Cardelli’s busts search
  • Brent, Daniel; letters from search
  • Cardelli, Peter (Pietro); bust of J. Madison search
  • Cardelli, Peter (Pietro); bust of J. Monroe search
  • Madison, James (1751–1836); P. Cardelli’s bust of search
  • mineralogy; collections of minerals search
  • Monroe, James (1758–1831); P. Cardelli’s bust of search
  • sculpture; P. Cardelli’s busts search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; mineral specimens for search