Thomas Jefferson Papers

Daniel Drew to Thomas Jefferson, 20 September 1821

From Daniel Drew

Lake Landing Septemr 20th 1821

Right honourable sir

having been informed in Philadelphia that there was a College built under your Auspices & patronage in Virginia, I take the liberty of applying to you as a Candidate of Professor of langauges in that institution.

I have in my possession introductory letters to you from Mathy Carey esq Philadelphia with other testimonials of capacity & conduct, but i shall leave it to your better judgement to decide of my qualifications. if you should encourage me to go on to Virginia; i left Philadelphia last April with a private family for North Carolina where i now reside. I was educated in the College of Dublin Ireland, you would oblige me very much as being a stranger & i hope of some merit if you would give me a situation in that or some other literary institution.

I am with the greatest respect your humble and obedient servant

Daniel Drew

Ps If you should condescend to write to me, you will direct your letter to me to Lake Landing North Carolina—

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as a letter of 9 Sept. 1821 received 23 Oct. 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

Daniel Drew, educator, studied in Dublin, Ireland, before becoming a private tutor in Philadelphia. He then moved to New Bern, North Carolina, where he taught classics at the New Bern Academy and took private students from September 1821 until at least the end of 1824 (Mathew Carey to TJ, 18 Apr. 1821; New Bern Carolina Sentinel 24 Jan., 23 Oct. 1824; Mary Ellen Gadski, The History of the New Bern Academy [1986], 76, 78–9; Stephen F. Miller, “Recollections of Newbern Fifty Years Ago,” Our Living and Our Dead 1 [1874]: 339).

Index Entries

  • Carey, Mathew; introduces D. Drew search
  • Drew, Daniel; identified search
  • Drew, Daniel; letter from search
  • Drew, Daniel; seeks position at University of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of application and recommendation to search
  • patronage; letters of application and recommendation to TJ search
  • schools and colleges; Trinity College (Dublin) search
  • Trinity College (Dublin) search
  • Virginia, University of; Faculty and Curriculum; modern languages professorship search