Craven Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 10 September 1821
From Craven Peyton
Monteagle Sept. 10th 1821.
D. Sir.
On the othar Side is a statement of Our Accompts leaveing a ballance of Six hundred & Seven Dollars 86Cts exclusive of the Corn Accompt which I hope You will find Correct. shoud there be Any mistake pliase make the Correction. Your Draft On Thomas E. Randolph at sight will answar as I presume he will Draft On B. Peyton for the Amt who I no will, with pleasure pay eathar Yours or his Ordar for that or Any othar Amount You might think propar to draw for.
C. Peyton
RC (MHi); on a sheet folded to form four pages, with letter on p. 1, TJ’s endorsement on p. 2, enclosure on p. 3, and address on p. 4; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received the day it was written and so recorded in SJL.
Index Entries
- corn; C. Peyton’s search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with C. Peyton search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with T. E. Randolph search
- Peyton, Bernard; as merchant search
- Peyton, Craven; account with TJ search
- Peyton, Craven; and corn for TJ search
- Peyton, Craven; letters from search
- Randolph, Thomas Eston (TJ’s cousin); account with TJ search