Thomas Jefferson to Riègert, 9 September 1821
To Riègert
Sep. 9. 21.
on my return after an absence of some weeks from home I find here your favor of Aug. 15. which must be my apology for this late acknolmt of it. I sincerely sympathise with the sufferings it so forcibly states, & wish it were in my power to alleviate them. but really I do not see that I can be useful to you in any way. entirely retired from the world, unmedling in it’s affairs & unconnected with it’s authorities I am still1 further disqualified by the circumstance that I shall2 leave home again within 4. or 5. days to be absent during the rest of the autumn. I can only offer therefore my unavailing wishes that you may be able thro’ other channels to find the relief which I do not see within the limits of my competence. with my regrets for this circumstance accept the assurance of my great respect.
Dft (MHi); on final page of RC of Riègert to TJ, 15 Aug. 1821; dateline at foot of text.
1. Word interlined.
2. Sentence to this point written below, after “therefore my,” and keyed to this place in text with a letter “a” in place of “and the less as I.”