Daniel Brent to Thomas Jefferson, 5 September 1821
From Daniel Brent
Washington, 5 September 1821.
Dear Sir,
A Box was left at this office (Department of State) by mr Sumter, our first Minister at Rio de Janeiro, upon his late arrival in the United States, for you, “to be delivered to your order,” which contains, I understand, samples of ores from the Brazils. I know not whether you are apprized of this Circumstance, or not—If you are not, I am happy in making you acquainted with it. I have the Honor to be, with perfect Respect and Esteem, Dear Sir, your obedt & very hu: servant,
Daniel Brent.
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 10 Sept. 1821 and so recorded in SJL; with FC of TJ to Brent, 11 Sept. 1821, on verso. RC: top half of address cover only (DLC), with FC of TJ to Samuel Crawford, 29 Dec. 1822, on verso; bottom half of address cover only (MHi), with Dft of TJ to William Short, 29 Dec. 1822, on verso; addressed: “Mr Jefferson, Monticello”; franked; postmarked Washington, 6 Sept.