Thomas Jefferson Papers

William Wallace to Thomas Jefferson, 16 August 1821

From William Wallace

Richmond Augt 16th 1821


Having on hand several Hhd of sound and fine flavour’d claret wine, which I sell to famelies at two and one half dollors ⅌ Doz. or at Seventy five cents ⅌ Galln by the Hhd the bottles are to be found by the purchaser, or charged at nine Dollors ⅌ groce, as claret wine in general sells from six to twelve dollors ⅌ Doz. some doubts might be entertained as to the soundness of quality, of what I offer at such a reduced price

However should you not have a plentifull suply on hand, try some of what I offer, which on trial will prove equal to that sold at the high prices

I remain Sir yours most Respectfully

Wm Wallace

RC (DLC); dateline adjacent to closing; endorsed by TJ as received 18 Aug. 1821 and so recorded in SJL; with calculation by TJ at foot of text that at $9 per gross, a single bottle of claret would cost 6¼ cents. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Daniel Brent, 31 Oct. 1822, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 16 Aug.

Index Entries

  • claret (wine) search
  • Wallace, William (1779–1854); and wine for TJ search
  • Wallace, William (1779–1854); letters from search
  • wine; claret search