Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Conveyance of Pouncey’s Tract to Charles Everette, 3 August 1821

Conveyance of Pouncey’s Tract to Charles Everette

This indenture made on the third1 day of August2 one thousand eight hundred and twenty one between Thomas Jefferson of the one part, and Charles Everett of the other, both of the county of Albemarle witnesseth that the said Thomas, in consideration of the sum of five thousand dollars to him in hand paid by the said Charles, hath given granted bargained and sold unto the said Charles a certain tract or parcel of land on the threenotched road, adjacent to the lands of the sd Charles, and granted to Peter Jefferson father of the sd Thomas by patent bearing date the 16th of August 1756. and bounded by the following lines expressed in the sd patent, to wit, beginning at pointers and running S. 75 degrees W. 218. poles to a red oak, N. 28.° W. 127. po. to pointers, N. 11.° E. 155. po. to a pine S. 15.° E. 280. po. to the beginning: containing according to the said patent four hundred acres, and lying in the said county of Albemarle. To have and to hold the said parcel of land with it’s appurtenances to him the said Charles and his heirs. and the said Thomas, his heirs executors and administrators the said parcel of land and it’s appurtenances to the sd Charles and his heirs will for ever warrant and defend. In witness whereof the sd Thomas hath hereto set his hand and seal on the day and year first above written.

Sealed & delivered in presence of
Th J Randolph Th: Jefferson
Nichs P Trist
James M Randolph

MS (MHi: James Schouler Autograph Collection); on indented paper; in TJ’s hand except as noted below; signed by TJ, Thomas Jefferson Randolph, Nicholas P. Trist, and James M. Randolph; with seal affixed adjacent to TJ’s signature and with attestation on verso by Albemarle County clerk Alexander Garrett bearing his signature but entirely in a different hand: “At a Court held for Albemarle County the 6th day of August 1821  This Indenture was produced into Court & acknowledged by Thomas Jefferson party thereto & ordered to be recorded”; docketed in an undentified hand: “Jefferson to Everette } Deed  6 Aug 1821 ackd & Ordered to be recorded”; additional notation in Garrett’s hand: “Recorded Page 389.” Tr (Albemarle Co. Deed Book, 22:389); including Garrett’s attestation; with additional marginal notation in an unidentified hand: “Delivered to C Everette the 1t Apl 1842.”

1Space left blank and word added later by TJ in a different ink.

2Space left blank and word added later by TJ in a different ink.

Index Entries

  • Everette, Charles; buys TJ’s Pouncey’s tract search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as Albemarle Co. clerk search
  • Jefferson, Peter (TJ’s father); and Pouncey’s tract search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Conveyance of Pouncey’s Tract to Charles Everette search
  • Pouncey’s tract (TJ’s Albemarle Co. property) search
  • Randolph, James Madison (TJ’s grandson); witnesses document search
  • Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); witnesses documents search
  • Trist, Nicholas Philip; witnesses document search