Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Patrick Gibson, [ca. 17 July 1821]


Account with Patrick Gibson

[ca. 17 July 1821]

Account Sales of 160 Bbls Flour on acct of Mr T. Jefferson
Feby 27 To  Lewis Webb 15  Bbls @ $ 3⅜ S. f $ 50. 62
Lucke & Sizer 62 209. 25
March 1 Ch. Palmer 34 114. 75
April 13 Cash 2 6. 75
 do 9 3⅜ Fine 28. 12
19 James Fisher 13 3½  45. 50
23 Edmund Anderson 15    52. 50
30 A Sweeny 10       35.  $ 542. 49
Toll on 160 Bbls flour $16.67 Insp. on do $3.20 $ 19. 87
Cooperage 1:60 Storage $20 21. 60
Commn @ 2½ pr Ct on $542.49 13. 56 55. 03
Nt prds $ 487. 46
Dr Mr Thos Jefferson in Acct Current with Patrick Gibson Cr
1820 1821
Septr 12 To  Balance pr act Rend. $ 262. 72 May 29 By Nt Prds 160 bbls Flour $487. 46
Novr 14 Cash  pd disct on h/n $1240 13. 23
Jany 16 curtl on h/N  1240 $60
disct do do  12.59 72. 59
March 20 Curt on do $1180  $55
disct on do do  12 67.
Octr 12 draye 25¢ frt 50cts Comn 50¢ 1. 25
Decr 20 J. Wood frt on 62 Bbls @ 3/ 31.
May 29 Balance 39. 67
$ 487. 46 $487. 46
By balance in h/favor $39. 67
Errors Excepted
 Patrick Gibson
  pr George S Gibson

MS (DLC); written in George S. Gibson’s hand on verso of covering letter; undated; endorsed by TJ: “Gibson Patrick Acct 1820. Sep. 12.–1820. [i.e. 1821] May 29.”

s. f: “superfine.” nt prds: “net proceeds.” h/n: “his note.”

Index Entries

  • Anderson, Edmund; buys TJ’s flour search
  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
  • boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
  • Fisher, James; buys TJ’s flour search
  • flour; sale of search
  • Gibson, George Sanderson; as clerk for P. Gibson search
  • Gibson, Patrick; account with TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s loan from Bank of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Bank of Virginia search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells flour search
  • Lucke & Sizer (Richmond firm); buys TJ’s flour search
  • Palmer, Charles; buys TJ’s flour search
  • Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
  • Sweeny, Andrew; buys TJ’s flour search
  • Webb, Lewis; buys TJ’s flour search
  • Wood, John Henry; boats of search