Thomas Jefferson Papers

Jonathan Thompson to Thomas Jefferson, 11 July 1821

From Jonathan Thompson

Custom House New York   
Collectors Office July 11, 1821.—


I rec’d your letter of the 25th ult. in answer to mine of the 14th relative to a box of seeds—agreeably to your request, I offered the Box to Dr Hosack, who declined receiving it, as he had rec’d a Box by the same vessel.—I have therefore, by your direction, forwarded the same to the care of Capt Bernard Peyton, Richmond Va as per the enclosed Bill of Lading. no charge has been made to me for the Box—Should any thing arrive at this Port to your address I will attend to the transmission of it, as requested, with pleasure.—Permit me to congratulate you on the recent glorious revolution of Politicks in this State, as manifested by the people at the recent elections, we indulge the hope that much public good will be the result.—

with the greatest respect & esteem am. Your Obt Servt
Jonathan Thompson

RC (MHi); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Thompson; at foot of text: “Thos Jefferson, late President Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 July 1821 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

While the recent elections for New York’s state legislature resulted in a continued lower-house majority for the Bucktails, a faction of the Republican party opposed to Governor DeWitt Clinton, the governor’s supporters gained a narrow majority in the Senate (New-York Columbian, 19 May 1821).

Index Entries

  • Clinton, DeWitt; and party politics search
  • Clinton, DeWitt; as governor of N.Y. search
  • gardens; in New York City search
  • Hosack, David; and Elgin Botanic Garden search
  • New York (city); collector at search
  • New York (state); elections in search
  • New York (state); legislature of search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
  • Republican party; in N.Y. search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Thompson, Jonathan; as collector at New York search
  • Thompson, Jonathan; letters from search