Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Louis Adrien Gruchet, 2 July 1821

To Louis Adrien Gruchet

Monticello July 2. 21.


Your favor of June 22. is recieved, and in it the leaves so curiously exhibiting diagrams, and in a way I had never before seen, for which be pleased to recieve my thanks.

Particular circumstances have postponed my journey Southwardly, nor can I fix with certainty the day of my departure, but it will not be within less than a fortnight from this time. as my absence will be of two months, perhaps it might be more convenient to you to visit us before I go, rather than to await in Charlottesville. in this I pray you to consult your own convenience only and to accept the assurance of my great respect.

Th: Jefferson

P.S. the certificate of Marshall1 Grouchy shall be held in safety

RC (FrGrBM); top left corner torn away, with missing text supplied from PoC; postscript added separately to RC and PoC; adjacent to signature: “M. Gruchet.” PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover of LeRoy, Bayard & Company to TJ, 13 Apr. 1821; endorsed by TJ.

1PoC: “Marshal.”

Index Entries

  • Grouchy, Emmanuel, marquis de; TJ mistakes another for search
  • Gruchet, Louis Adrien; letters to search
  • Gruchet, Louis Adrien; plans to visit Monticello search
  • Gruchet, Louis Adrien; sends works to TJ search
  • Gruchet, Louis Adrien; TJ mistakes identity of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; receives works search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ plans visits to search