Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Membership Diploma in the South Carolina Academy of Arts, 29 May 1821


Membership Diploma in the South Carolina Academy of Arts

South Carolina




Charleston 29th May 1821.

Be it known that The Honorable Thomas Jefferson was this day unanimously elected an Honorary Member of the Academy of Arts—And entitled to all the Rights and privileges thereof.

Given under the Signature of the President, and countersigned by the Secretary.

J. R. Poinsett
John S. Cogdell

MS (MHi); in an unidentified hand, signed by Joel R. Poinsett and Cogdell.

Index Entries

  • Charleston, S.C.; learned societies in search
  • Cogdell, John Stephens; and South Carolina Academy of Arts search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Honors & Memberships; South Carolina Academy of Arts search
  • Poinsett, Joel Roberts; and South Carolina Academy of Arts search
  • South Carolina Academy of Arts; TJ as honorary member of search