Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Robert R. Glinn & Company, 10 May 1821

To Robert R. Glinn & Company

Monticello May 10. 21.

Messrs Glinn & co.

The acknolegement of your favor of Apr. 26. has been delayed by an absence of some time from home, to which I am but just returned. my note to mrs Laporte was given on the assurance she meant to set up a grocery store in Charlottesville and this was to assist her beginning. having removed from the neighborhood I had not supposed she had made use of my note, and recieving no information about it, I had not known the date of the credit, or I should have prepared to meet it in time. this however will occasion little delay. I only await the return of the boats of our river, now all down, to send by them a deposit of flour to my corresponden[t] [in] [Ri]chmond, Capt Bernard Peyton, and I will send you at [the] same time an order for the money. with this assurance be pleased to accept that of my great respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Henry Clark to TJ, 4 Oct. 1820; edge trimmed; torn at seal; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
  • flour; shipment of search
  • Laporte, Peter (Victoire Laporte’s husband); TJ as security for search
  • Laporte, Victoire (Peter Laporte’s wife); TJ provides credit for search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s flour search
  • Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
  • Rivanna River; water level of search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); and Laporte account search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); letter to search
  • Robert R. Glinn & Company (Richmond firm); TJ pays search