Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas W. Maury to Thomas Jefferson, 7 May 1821

From Thomas W. Maury

7th May 1821.

Dear Sir.

Enclosed you will receive a paper enclosed to me by Mr James Maury of Liverpool, containing some seed of the melon of Valencia, and addressed to you. My wish & intention were to have presented them in person, but something has always occurred to prevent. He says they are remarkable for combining the properties of the musk & water melon, and are a very delicious fruit.

respectfully yr mo: obt

Th: W. Maury

RC (DLC); dateline at foot of text; adjacent to signature: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 May 1821 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • food; melons search
  • Maury, James (1746–1840); sends seeds to TJ search
  • Maury, Thomas Walker; letters from search
  • Maury, Thomas Walker; sends seeds to TJ search
  • melons; Valencia search
  • seeds; melon search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Valencia melon search