Thomas Jefferson Papers

David Hosack to Thomas Jefferson, 28 April 1821

From David Hosack

new york april 28th 1821

Dear Sir

I duly received your letters for mr Coffee and have been in daily expectation of seeing him when I intended writing to you—I now find he is in So Carolina—I return you the letters you addressed to him as they were received by me—I hope you will find all correct—they were lodged by me in the Post office from whence I took them this morning—I shall be obliged by a line informing me if they are returned to you as they were sent—

I accompany this letter by a copy of my Second Edition of a volume on nosology—under the heads of Croup i e Trechitis—and of aneurism you will find that americans have contributed to the stock of medical knowledge particularly in Surgery—I know you take an active interest in this as well other departments of knowledge and theref[o]re beg to place this volume on your Table—in the arrangement which I have adopted you will perceive I have kept steadily in view those associations of disease that are best calculated to elucidate their nature and to direct their treatment—at ye same time that the pupil will I believe find it profitable in leading him to a knowledge of those essentiel Symptoms which distinguish diseases having an affinity to each other

pardon the haste with which I address you—I am Dr Sir
very respectfully yours

David Hosack

P.S I beg to say that I will be happy to attend to any commands you may have in new york—

RC (MHi); edge trimmed, with two word endings on verso of address cover; endorsed by TJ as received 7 May 1821 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Lewis Cass, 31 May 1821, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson, Esqr Monticello Virginia with a volume”; franked; postmarked New York, 28 Apr. Enclosures: (1) TJ to William J. Coffee, 5 Mar. 1821, and unlocated covering letter from Bernard Peyton to Coffee (see TJ to Peyton, 4 Mar. 1821). (2) Hosack, A System of Practical Nosology (2d ed., New York, 1821; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 5 [no. 182]).

Index Entries

  • A System of Practical Nosology (D. Hosack) search
  • books; on medicine search
  • Coffee, William John; and cement for TJ search
  • health; aneurysm search
  • health; croup search
  • Hosack, David; as medical educator search
  • Hosack, David; A System of Practical Nosology search
  • Hosack, David; letters from search
  • Hosack, David; transmits letters for TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • medicine; books on search
  • medicine; education in search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search