Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to de Bure Frères, 19 April 1821

To de Bure Frères

Monticello. Apr. 19. 21.

Messrs de Bure1 freres

The packet of books you were so kind as to send me the last year, came safely to hand, and I duly note the balance of 38–40 ƒ to my debet. I now engage my friend John Vaughan of Philadelphia to place 100. Dollars in Paris at your order, and request you to send me the books2 on the back hereof, or so many of them as the remittance will pay for, curtailing the catalogue at the end, so as to bring it within the limit of the remittance. it is arranged with a view of omitting those which I am the least anxious to possess. but retain in your hands the sum necessary to procure the Dion Cassius from Germany if not to be had nearer. Villers in his Etat de la literature en Allemagne in 1807. pa. 33. says ‘le sçavant M. Fr. Guill. Sturtz a publié en 1807. un Dion. Cassius.’ and a ‘catalogue de la librairie Grec, Latine, Allemande’ which I possess, announces it in these words. ‘Dionis Cassii Historia Romana. ed. Sturtz. Leips. in 8vo (sous presse)’ the title page of this Catalogue being lost, I know not it’s date of time &3 place: but I suspect it to be German, and of the date of 1818. as I see articles of tha[t]4 date in it and none later. I must request your5 endeavors to procure6 this edition. let the bindings be all solid and handsome.

I have seen announced a ‘Recueil et parallele des edifices de tout genre, anciens7 et modernes par J. N. Durand à l’ecole Polytechnique.’ books of this kind are so often at extravagant prices, that one is afraid to ask them without knowing their price. if it does not cost more than 40. or 50.ƒ. send it; if more I pray you to write me the cost, that I may judge whether to put it into my next invoice, as I wish to get it if within reasonable bounds.

Be so good as to dispatch these books with as little delay as possible, that they may arrive before the storms of autumn or winter, and accept the assurance of my esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

Dupl (NNC); at head of text: “Duplicate”; Dupl of enclosure on verso; addressed: “Messrs De Bure freres Libraires à Paris,” with “Rue Serpente” added in an unidentified hand; endorsed in an unidentified hand: “Reçue le 24 juillet—la 1ere n’est point arrivée” (“Received 24 July—the first has never arrived”). PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; torn at seal, with two words rewritten by TJ; PoC of Dupl of enclosure on verso; endorsed by TJ. RC (RuSpRNB); MS of enclosure on verso; addressed: “Messrs De Bure freres Libraires à Paris”; stamped; postmarked as forwarded 17 Sept. 1821 “par Le Havre.” Enclosed in TJ to John Vaughan, 19 Apr. 1821, and TJ to Albert Gallatin, 25 May 1821.

sous presse: “in press.”

1Remainder of salutation in RC: “et frere.”

2RC here adds “noted.”

3RC: “or.”

4Edge trimmed in Dupl and PoC; ending supplied from RC.

5RC here adds “best.”

6RC here adds “me.”

7RC: “anciennes.”

Index Entries

  • architecture; books on search
  • books; on architecture search
  • Cassius Dio; edition of by F. W. Sturz search
  • Coup-d’Oeil sur l’État Actuel de la Litterature Ancienne et de l’Histoire en Allemagne (C. F. D. de Villers) search
  • de Bure Frères (Paris firm); letters to search
  • de Bure Frères (Paris firm); TJ purchases books from search
  • de Bure Frères (Paris firm); TJ’s account with search
  • Durand, Jean Nicholas Louis; Recueil et Parallèle des Édifices de Tout Genre Anciens et Modernes search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; binding of books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; catalogues from booksellers search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; orders books search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; packing and shipping of search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; account with de Bure Frères search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; lines of credit in Europe search
  • Recueil et Parallèle des Édifices de Tout Genre Anciens et Modernes (J. N. L. Durand) search
  • Sturz, Friedrich Wilhelm; edits works of Cassius Dio search
  • Vaughan, John (1756–1841); and TJ’s lines of credit in Europe search
  • Villers, Charles François Dominique de; Coup-d’Oeil sur l’État Actuel de la Litterature Ancienne et de l’Histoire en Allemagne search
  • weather; effect on shipping search